show business have used this phrase as far as i can remember, implying as the phrase goes, that a celebrity is born, or rather, discovered. such exclamations would usually bring about accolades as well as publicity stints and endorsements deals, catapulting the once unknown nobody from the deep crevasses of society,into the intense scorching, bleaching, rays of the public limelight.
on the other hand, for scientific, no social life, geekazoids like myself, phrases like this should never be taken lightly. indeed, the birth of a star involve rather drastic measures, but i was thinking of it in grander, more cosmic proportions. the birth of a star entails the maturation of a galactic brew of ice, metal and gases, squeezed in pressures almost unimaginable, in heat almost unmeasurable, in a swirl of forces that can make you puke a gazillion times over till your a dried up prune!!!! and yet, considering the undeniable hellish and torturous environment our celestial being calls her womb, it all seems necessary for how else can you produce a spectacular diadem in the sky? a figure so beautiful, so enchanting that she has captivated countless million in the entire course of our civilization.
that being said. i guess it pays to go through hell to find a star. kindly refer to the illustration below.
you got to hand it to her.... she is an improv GODDESS!!!!!! ahahahahahahaha!!!!
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