taking note of this one fact, i decided to wear my black shirt today to work. unfortunately, my budget cannot afford me 40 pairs of lacoste shirts, hell, i can't even afford 1, so an old t-shirt would have to do for now. it's been stored away for some time now and i really dont know why i had opted not to wear it. no sooner after wearing it did i find out... black shirts make me uncomfortable warm and sweaty. curses.... together with blazers, long sleeved shirts and layering, here's another article of clothing i will not have the chance to enjoy unless i live in a cooler country!
trained with bax today for pilates on the cadillac. again, he had fun with the "on air" series. i told him that i have noticed an improvement in my posture. though i am still a bit kyphotic, i told him that i am now more aware when i'm slouching and get to correct it immediately. i also noticed that i walk taller now as compared to before. all of this by just maintaining simple positions and playing with springs.... i never got any of these benefits when i was at the gym.
as i finished my session for the day, one of the sweet receptionists greeted me in passing and said, in a jesting way that she was leaving for the last time. not really understanding if this was a joke, i confirmed with her again... then people started crying. you know the feeling when you accidentally broke something and don't know how to fix it? that was how i felt...
it's sad to see people go, most especially when you have already grown accustomed to seeing their faces day in and day out. but change, like all things, is a fact of life. things move and, well, people get let go. i sincerely hope better things are in store for her.... such a sweet girl she was.
melloida invited me to the opening (finally) of the project that was causing her sleepless nights and severe constipation. HP plus together with Med Express is now finally open to serve at the concourse level of the power plant mall in rockwell.i arrived a tad bit too early for the opening and decided to grab a quick bite since i still havent had lunch. i decided pizza sounded good and walked over to CPK. lucky me, they have a new product, adobo pizza, that sounded quite yummy.... 1 order please, i immediately said to my server.
not long after, the pan arrived. chicken adobo nga i said! bits of chicken breast, resting on a thin crust pan of onions, capsicums, spices and mozzarella. i couldn't wait! i bit, i tasted, chewed, swirled, chewed some more, then swallowed. ay..... di pala sya ganun kasarap.
dont get me wrong, it wasnt BAD, but it wasnt good either. in my opinion, the adobo pizza at wheatberry near roces in QC is still the best. CPK's version is a far second. edible but almost makes u wonder where the adobo-ness comes in. i eventually found myself showering every slice with chili flakes, it at least made it taste a bit more special.
after lunch, i thought of having yogurt for dessert. frozen yogurt is currently becoming the craze as of the moment and more and more varieties are starting to pop up around the metro. lulu belle is this one store located on the top floor of powerplant mall, near the chapel. owned by the same ppl that brought us FIC, fro-yo, as the ameri-CANS say it, is only a logical upgrade, though FIC have already carried yogurt ice cream for some time now. being also the ever efficient worker that i am, having lulu belle was also research as i am working on a project that also deal with the same food group. can't say what it is for now but sure enuf, when things are realized, i will share :)

anyway.... lulu belle's interiors was definitely delightful. cute, bright and well, very cute. the yogurt on the other hand, well, from the ppl who brought us FIC, i honestly expected more. i didn't quite like the texture of the yogurt as it really did feel frozen, almost like shaved ice or super cold slurpee from 7-11. the taste was so-so, quite sweet actually. i rather have mine tarty since that's what yogurt is supposed to taste like. they were rather generous on the servings though, as well as with the toppings. i had blueberry since i wanted to compare. sadly also, my blueberry was not pleasant.. not even a bit. i really wouldn't mind throwing my purchase away due to the disappointment but the cheap skate in me would not hear of it. so i ate...and walked, and ate.
mental note: california berry is way better.... bitin lang nga. small portions, smaller topping serving and more expensive pa. sungit pa the servers.... california berry is located at silver city mall, somewhere near the carpark level.... hehehehe.

went to see melloida after that. twas nice seeing her all dressed up, fresh and happy. the bain of her existence is finally over, and it shows. she was glowing in her zara ensemble of lapis lazuli blue. i didn't bother to hobnob with ppl there. everyone was all dressed up while i was in a shirt and jeans lang. it was enough that i showed my face and mel seeing that i supported her. besides, i never really liked mingling. did however saw this interesting guy who was checking me out ;) stealing glances pa... buking naman! hahahaha!
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