i listened to the morning radio and heard the horrible prank mo did to mojo. my bag is packed, my things are ready... 9 am, time to get a move on. i drove myself to megamall, the designated meeting place. ran a couple of errands firsts for my client and paced the mall just to get the blood flowing and to calm down my nerves. i was getting the pre-activity jitters, a mini anxiety attack, something that happens to me whenever i try something new. looking thru the stores and watching ppl was therapeutic since i was distracted for a while. then his text came.... he was already here and was asking where we could meet. "he's early", i thought. "i'm at bldg B, meet u here" was what he texted. with sweaty hands i replied that i was already near.
he greeted me with a smile, a gesture i immediately reciprocated. he quickly joined me and we started walking back towards the opposite side of the mall where i parked. throughout the entire time, all we did was talk. he was quite a chatterbox and being the utter conversationalist myself, i certainly did not want to disappoint. topics ranged from A to Z and it really didn't matter that we were practically pulling shit out of our butts just to keep the conversation going. i had fun actually. in no time at all, i was starting to relax and my nerves have almost calmed down... almost. we got into my car and i was silent for a while. then i spoke. i reminded him of where we were going and what we were about to do. i told him i was scared and rather anxious, bordering on panic.. he reassured me. told me that he had done this before and that everything will be ok. he's younger than me, so forgive me for saying that i didnt quite believe him at first, but since i really had nothing else to hold on to for reassurance, i guess his word would have to do....
the drive wasnt so long. traffic was light so we got to our destination pretty quick. as i parked my car, he asked if he could change out of his clothes and into something more comfortable. i didn't object as long as he didn't mind that i was in the car. "it's alright" he said, he's used to changing in front of ppl. we walked out of the garage and proceeded to look for the entrance. a few wrong instructions later, we finally got ourselves indoors and unto the main hall... a relief since we were walking around the perimeter looking lost for a few minutes already and were starting to attract stares from people.
the main hall was cavernous to say the least. it was empty, which was perfect, and eerily quiet. a lady in a really short white dress would pop in and out every now and then, probably checking for possible clients. she never really gave us any attention since i think she knew that we were not really her target market. she was right for were were there for something else... and it was staring at us right in the eye.... tall, big and ominous....
"holy crap" was the only thing that escaped my mouth....
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