i had a birthday party to attend and i still have nothing to give my first godson. my childhood friend franz was gracious enough to make me one of the godparents to her lovely boy, chandler lee (charlee for short) when she gave birth to him two years ago. unlike all the other god parents though, i was the only one who has never seen the kid... EVER! god parenting via cyberspace was all i could offer since during that first year or so i was based in dubai, and since coming back, through one reason or another, i could not manage to go see her and the boy. sunday's birthday party ALMOST became one of those days again but i figured, enough is enough... get myself a life ba? after making beso-beso to my client at her party, i drove myself to rustan's and practically started harassing the sales ppl to help me get a gift.
sunday morning. not much sleep yet since i dozed off at around 4am. weather looked gloomy and true enough, it started to rain... perfect weather for more sleep. dropped off mom at church and drove to the nestle creamery. got there rather early and decided to wait in the car, in the rain... wanted to sleep some more but was afraid i might a.) have people see me drool while i slept b.) miss the party while i was drooling in my sleep, and c.) mess my hair.
at around 11am, people started trickling in. went in and waited for familiar faces to hob nob with. finally, the gang arrived, the kids arrived and the birthday boy. i finally got to see him.
the party went about normally though throughout the entire event, i could not seem to sit still. to be honest, kid's parties scare me :) they are probably the most benign event an adult can attend but it always raises a deeply set anxiety for me. i tried to distract myself to talking with my friends and walking around but i could never fully manage to shake it off.
games, a magic show, dancing ice creamery dudes and an emcee that resembles thom filicia later, food was finally served. sorry if it sounded like it was the only thing i was looking froward to but, well, it was the only thing i was looking forward to. i was sooooo hungry i could eat a kid! it also helped my modesty that i was not the only one who looked like i was famished since the moment they opened the buffet, a line appeared almost instantaneously.

the pièce de résistance of the event was a cake baked by franz and another pastry chef friend of ours. it was a beautiful aqua iced mocha cake, something that looked so deadly, i didn't even bother thinking of having a bite since i was afraid i'd have a rush while driving back home. it was a sore moment though since the cake looked so damn f-ing good. the afternoon was up and my relatives started texting what time i'd be home, my cue to bid my friends adieu. i thank franz for the great party and drove back home to join my fam to see cars... 'twas the international car show at the world trade, one of a few events we can bribe my dad with to come out of the house on a sunday.
the car show was probably the most testosterone charged event i have even been to besides gym, so much so, i almost convinced myself i was straight... then, reality slaps me back into place when a cute boy stood beside me and looked at me from head to toe (taray!). anyway... fell head over heels in love with this machine. i'm not really the most car savy person in the world. neither am i the most practical when it comes to dream cars but this one was an orgasmic experience just WAITING to happen. the AUDI R8.

doesn't it almost make u wanna start clicking your ruby red slippers and start wishing "i wish i had this car, i wish i had this car!!!"
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