Tuesday, August 19, 2008

my first experience with a little blue pill

it was a very weird feeling as i woke up this morning. i distinctly remember thinking as i rolled onto my back that something was amiss. it was still dark in my room, as it always is even if it's already late in the morning. since i was still half awake and half asleep, i really didn't take that much notice. i got up, turned my vanity light on, looked at myself in the mirror.... "man, i look haggard". i surveyed my pale neck and chest. my allergies haven't flared up yet, good. turned the lights off. walked to the door and felt strange again. why it didn't kick in that i should pay closer attention to what my body was telling me, i can only blame on my lethargy. walked out into the morning light. took my morning meds and started to do my morning routine. walked past our full length mirror when it hit me!

i walked briskly back into my quarters and went straight to the bathroom. i knew it! i knew this was gonna happen.... man, so that's what xenical does to you!!!!

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