Friday, December 15, 2017

friday morning madness

Jump started my day with an early morning workout. I was hoping some high intensity strenuous activity would be just i needed to get my groove back as this used to work perfectly for me before. Needless to say, metcon over and i still found my self a bit groggy and lethargic. This considering i already had 2 cups of black coffee. Im giving the meds a few more days till i finish at least a weeks cycle. If things stay the way that they are, il ask my doc to adjust my dosage since being a walking zombie isnt really my thing. 

Doing site visits today, checking on the status of my projects, all of which are delayed. A part of me should be losing my cool already but somehow i feel rather indifferent. Again, could be the effects of the meds since its supposed to keep me relaxed. I am relaxed i guess but this level of nonchalance is a bit unusual. Again, il keep mental note of this and see how i adjust. 

Someone almost side swipped me this morning on my way to work. He suddenly swerved to my lane, almost pinning me to the curb, and without even apologizing my slowing down, sped off. Thank goodness for turbo engines. I quickly caught up to him and was inches away of smashing my car into his... my shiny, jumbo black SUV against his small puny sedan. As i inched closer to his side making sure he could hear my engines reving, he sheepishly gestured his apologies by waving his hand. I followed him for a good few kilometers after that just to really screw with his head that i was dead set at murder.... i eventually sped away and made my exit. 

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