forgive my elation if you may for this is almost a dream come true for me. you too would understand if you are plagued with heat-induced skin allergies as well as hyperhydrosis, but enough of my problems. right now it's all about the cold. i just want to relish it while it lasts for i am pretty sure summer this year will be a killer. it always is when we get unusually cold months.
but really, it's like an early valentine's for me.... i just love sleeping with the doors and windows open, with the gentle humming of my fan lulling me to sleep. i love the fact that i wake up with toasty toes playing in the cold air while my entire body is wrapped in my cozy blanket. i love the fact that i can walk around the house and encounter cold pockets of air (hindi sila multo!). i love how the chill tightens my skin as it prepares to shiver. i don't mind the frequent toilet breaks at all! i love the fact that i enjoy my warm showers. i love that i can sit in front of the electric fan and look unperturbed while my folks look and wonder why im not even frozen yet. i love the fact that i don't have to worry about sweat. i love the fact that i don't have to worry about my allergies acting up either! i love, i love, i love the weather!!!
if only it could last the whole year round....
was checking my email and noticed our poor little shi-tzu half breed shivering while he was curled up beside my feet to keep warm. we have terrazzo tiled floors that are notoriously cold and since my dad was wise enough to shave him of all his hair during winter, our dog is practically walking around naked in the cold.
touched by his unconditional love and loyalty to be by my side, even at the risk of freezing his balls out, i got him my room's ragged doormat (which he sleeps on when i'm in my room). he quickly got on it and is now sleeping, snoring soundly, besides me.

awwwww, doesn't that warm your heart? not too warm i hope, i'm still not over relishing the weather! hehehehehe.
this is a super cuuute article! hehehe. especially toward the ending. wawa doggie.. :)
The weather brings out the poetic in you. Too bad, my body responds better to warm and humid weather.
uu nga sana this weather lasts the whole year round. i didnt even take a bath today sa sobrang lamig, pero i dont stink nman.
@gentle. a cutie article for a cutie dog. the puppy i mean.. :)
@mugen. i am probably just giddy from the cold. i'm pretty sure my darker side would awaken once the temperature starts rising. i just have to go back to all my posts when i was in the desert to remind me of how bad things can get! hehehe, hopefully not THAT bad anymore :)
@odin. thanks for dropping my mr.hood. i swear! throw me in the arctic na! :)
i love the cold weather! Luvvy and I spent 2 weeks in San Francisco & New York this Dec. Sarap! ;-)
diba? so luv it!!! wow, SF and NY!! transamerica ka ha! hehehehe.
my dog hates the weather. kaya daily ritual ko na that before i sleep, i put blanket on him. i also made him a pillow. hahah
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