spending time with relatives are my way of having therapy. despite how other people may say that relatives just drive them nuts, that is rather contrary to my case. sure there will be moments when blood kin can drive one up the wall and well into the neighbor's yard, but those incidences i believe are a small price to pay in exchange for the great help they will provide for you in the long run. of course there will always be exceptions, like if your a culkin, a hilton, a coleman, or a spears.

we were deciding whether to watch national treasure or i am legend at first. thing is, based from the reviews i have heard of i am legend, it wasn't really the good movie it was slated to be. decision made, nat treasure it is. to be honest, i enjoyed the movie quite well. not as much as my cousin and my kuya who were laughing at every comedic moment the movie would throw at them, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. i especially liked how the movie was paced. blame it on me being ridiculously cerebral but i critique things in the weirdest of ways, and as far as all weirdness can go, this movie did pretty well. there was no dull moment in the movie. it will be action packed on one scene, emotional on the next, action, emotion, comedy, emotion, emotion, action, lust (in the guise of nic cage's lovely assistant... the geek, not the blonde), then action again. all the way till the end. i just had one little criticism about it, (warning: possible spoiler ahead) that they could have made the antagonist's demise more...well, spectacular! they were already gearing towards that end but his rather dramatic "exit" just made me go "eh?"
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