he originally wanted to see cloverfield since based on the previews, it looked good. however, according to reviews from both his friends and from what i've read about it, it wasn't that good. i guess since he was still rather exhausted from his trip, he left me to decided what movie we were going to watch. not even batting an eyelash, i succumbed to my darkest, guilty indulgence... chick flicks... shameful as it may be, i cannot deny that blossoming characters, light story lines, cheesy killer dialogues, awkward moments and all the lovey-dovey in between makes me giggle like a girl holding her first barbie.... not that i know what that feels like. ehem...
i went to the counter and purchased 2 non-refundable seats to 27 dresses starring katherine heigl and dreamy james marsden. definitely cannot go wrong with this movie. i mean, i've read and heard very good reviews about it, great story, lots of comedic potential, great acting and of course.... james marsden, haaaay. beautiful.
of course, my instincts did not fail me. the movie was definitely a blast. heart warming and very funny. katherine heigl was great in the role. she was strong and tough, yet weak and fragile at the same time. the supporting cast were great too like her sarcastic best friend casey played by judy greer, and of course, james. ahhhh....
definitely made my week. catch it with a friend or a loved one. i'm sure you guys would have a great time! :)
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